Now a day’s blogging is a good way to get famous , earn money from home . It is better than a part time job. So students are want to be blogger to afford pocket money, get famous, earn money etc. This is good way of earning , but I am worried about them who are spend his precious time to searching research and become night owl. “Time is money but money is not time” so careful about how to spend your time in your student life . You pass-out from your college and then your marks is important than how much you famous or expert in blogging to become your carrier . I suggest you to start your blogging carrier in your collage day . This is the time when you have some free times ( if you have control on your waste time When you are using fb , whatsup , and playing games on your mobile like Candy-crash, chess etc).you have a chance to monetize your this time and earn your pocket time .

Some tips are:-
1.Don’t become a specious person around with your friend :- Don’t hide your identity say your friend and family that you are a blogger. If they know about it then you get a free promotion ( when anybody ask them about you then, they say that “you are a blogger ) .
2.Do a seminar in your college on blogging:- This is also a way of your promotion . Help your class teacher to arrange a seminar in your class and tell them about blogging , how to start it ,How to earn money from your blog? Etc.
3.Help your friend with your blog :-It is a good way to get traffic .Don’t forget to tell your friend about your blog and a request to visit and give their valuable feedback about your blog and work.
4.Last and important “time is money and money is not time”:- so careful about you academic carrier and don’t bunk the class and don’t waste it.
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